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Wound dressing, low adherent
Penso de baixa aderência
Pansement pour plaies, faible adhérence
Wundverband, schwach haftend
Wondverband, weinig klevend
Medicazione per ferite, bassa aderenza
Apósito para heridas, poco adherente
Sårförband, låg vidhäftning

Wound dressing, low adherent

• Low adherent material which prevents the dressing from sticking to the wound, avoiding tissue damage during dressing changes.
• For treatment of hight to moderate exuding wounds.
• Construction:
One face
1- Low-adherent net.
2- Absorbent core.
3- Water repellent non-woven.
• Individual peel-open pack + shelf box + transport carton.

Code Size Type Pcs./Pack Pcs./Sh.box Pcs./Tr. carton
487-001 5 x 5cm One face/Uma face 1 150 4050
487-002 7,5 x 7,5cm One face/Uma face 1 150 2700
487-003 10 x 10cm One face/Uma face 1 150 1500
487-004 10 x 20cm One face/Uma face 1 150 900
487-011 5 x 5cm Double face / Dupla face 1 120 3240
487-013 10 x 10cm Double face/Dupla face 1 120 1200
487-501 50 x 80cm One face/Uma face 1 20 120
487-502 70 x 80cm One face/Uma face 1 10 60
487-503 30 x 40cm One face/Uma face 1 40 240